This was originally published in Yervika.

Extreme weather is hitting many places in the world, indicating that we have indeed arrived in our current state of climate catastrophe. Governments are still waging wars and dropping bombs, killing innocent people and continuing to poison the soil. It’s a mad world, and one that feels like it is getting ever more intense, yet we are called to find a way to live to find joy, while witnessing suffering and doing what we can to pursue justice all at the same time.
I wanted to share a tea blend that I’ve been leaning on to support vitality, focus, tend to the heart, and more: 1.5 parts tulsi + 1 part rose petals + 1 part rosemary (explanation of herb virtues below)
For me, the most potent tea is tea made from looseleaf herbs. These are often fresher and come from more robust parts of a plant than pre-packaged tea. I am not (yet) selling tea blends, but you might be surprised to find an apothecary or store near you that sells looseleaf tea.
Mix your looseleaf herbs together. Boil water. Pour hot water onto your herbs and let steep for 15-30 minutes. The standard dosage is 1-2 teaspoons of herbs to 1 cup of water.
Why these three herbs:
🌿 Tulsi (also known as holy basil): tulsi’s adaptogenic properties supports the body in managing stress by enhancing resilience and preventing depletion. As a nervine relaxant, tulsi helps to ease anxiety, depression, and mental tension. It can help to boost our mood, support our nervous system, promote brain & digestive health, regulate our blood sugar, and more. It promotes vitality and helps us with focus, which, when there’s a lot going on, can be supportive of getting daily tasks done.

🌿 Rose: well known for its association with the heart, rose has been used to help open and soothe the heart, particularly in cases of deep grief and trauma. Rose is used in various remedies for depression, and can bring joy. Rose also gently soothes the nervous system and can relax the psyche. In these times of intensity and deep grief, rose can be an extremely supportive herb to lean on.

🌿 Rosemary: known for its ability to enhance cognitive function & memory, rosemary brings blood to the head and the heart. It is one of the rare plants that has an affinity for both the mind and the heart. Its presence helps us ground down and root in the earth, and reminds us of our connectedness to both the ground and to the sky. Rosemary is supportive of digestion and has antimicrobial and neuroprotective qualities, and I find it extremely grounding and helpful as an herbal ally.

Other herbs for grief and tending to the heart include:
Hawthorn: boil the berries for at least 30 minutes for a heart supportive tea
Linden: steep in tea form or infusion (tea=let steep for 15-30 minutes; infusion=let steep for 4-8 hours); calms & relaxes the system and tends to the heart
Nettles: steep in tea form or infusion; nutritive herb that can help replenish us in times of depletion