This is one of the modules in the self-paced exploration on DANCING WITH UNCERTAINTY: Building Capacity for Liminal Spaces.
Before we start...
How do you typically respond when faced with uncertainty or transitions? Are there patterns you notice?
What emotions arise for you in the in-between spaces where clarity feels distant?
How do you currently support yourself or others when navigating times of ambiguity?
Liminality—that in-between space of transition and uncertainty—asks much of us. It challenges our usual ways of being, nudging us to expand our capacity to stay present and adapt. To thrive in these spaces, we must develop "liminal literacy"—the ability to read, respond to, and grow through the unique demands of threshold experiences. Below, we explore three essential shifts that cultivate this capacity, inviting you to lean into curiosity, build resources, and honor the rhythms of time.
1. From Control to Curiosity
"Curiosity is the antidote to fear; it connects us to the possibilities that lie in the unknown." —Lila Watson
The Challenge: In the face of uncertainty, our instinct is often to grasp for control. This reaction is deeply rooted in our survival mechanisms—the need to feel secure, to reduce ambiguity, and to find stability in what feels chaotic. Liminal spaces, however, defy this impulse. They challenge us by removing the familiar markers of certainty, leaving us feeling unmoored. This discomfort can lead to overplanning, decision paralysis, or an urgent drive to resolve things prematurely. Yet, it is precisely in this tension that growth begins to take shape.
The Shift: Curiosity transforms fear into wonder. It helps us stay open to the unknown, fostering discovery and allowing space for new growth.
Key Insights:
Curiosity Sparks Adaptation: Neuroscience tells us that curiosity activates the brain’s reward system, fostering adaptability and resilience (Dr. Carol Dweck).
Indigenous Wisdom: Gregory Cajete reminds us that Indigenous ways of knowing are rooted in curiosity about the interconnectedness of all things, offering a pathway to navigate uncertainty with wonder.
Practice Suggestion: Begin each day with a question instead of a plan. Ask yourself, What am I curious about today? What can I learn from this uncertainty? Allow these questions to guide your attention and actions.
2. From Resistance to Resource-Building
"We are not meant to do this work alone." —Adrienne Maree Brown
The Challenge: Resistance is a natural response to the discomfort of liminal spaces. It often arises as a protective mechanism, shielding us from the vulnerability that comes with uncertainty. Resistance can take many forms—avoiding difficult emotions, overthinking every possible outcome, or retreating into distractions. While these responses may offer temporary relief, they often keep us stuck, unable to fully engage with the transformation that liminality invites. Recognizing and softening resistance requires courage, as it asks us to step toward discomfort rather than away from it.
The Shift: Resource-building invites us to cultivate both internal and external supports that help us navigate uncertainty. It calls us to explore what steadies us, so we can approach the unknown with resilience and trust.
Key Insights:
Window of Tolerance: Dr. Dan Siegel’s Window of Tolerance concept helps us recognize when we’re within our optimal zone for processing emotions. Resource-building expands this window, helping us remain balanced in times of stress.
Ubuntu Philosophy: Ubuntu (“I am because we are”) reminds us that resilience is collective, rooted in mutual care and interdependence.
Practice Suggestion: Identify three resources you can lean on today: one internal (e.g., breathwork or self-compassion), one relational (e.g., a trusted friend), and one external (e.g., nature or a comforting object). Use these resources intentionally when resistance arises.
3. From Timeline to Timeless
Time moves in cycles, and every ending carries the seed of a beginning." —Robin Wall Kimmerer
The Challenge: Liminality often comes with an undefined duration, which can be deeply unsettling. As humans, we are conditioned to think in terms of linear progress—we want clear timelines, measurable milestones, and predictable outcomes. But liminal spaces operate outside these boundaries. They unfold in their own time, defying our expectations and often leaving us with a persistent question: How long will this last? This uncertainty can lead to frustration, impatience, or even despair. Yet, learning to release our attachment to linear time allows us to engage with the unfolding process more fully.
The Shift: Timelessness invites us to release our grip on linear timelines and instead focus on the unfolding journey. It encourages us to honor cycles, rhythms, and the sacred timing inherent in transformation.
Key Insights:
Kairos vs. Chronos: The Greek concept of kairos (sacred, opportune time) contrasts with chronos (linear time). Embracing kairos allows us to move in harmony with life’s deeper rhythms.
Cyclical Time: Many Indigenous traditions view time as circular rather than linear, emphasizing renewal, connection, and the ongoing flow of life.
Practice Suggestion: Create a ritual that honors the cycles of your life. This could be as simple as lighting a candle at sunset to reflect on the day or journaling during the new moon to set intentions. Let these practices remind you that transformation unfolds in its own time.
Deeper Reflections:
What insights have you gained about your relationship with uncertainty and liminality?
Which of the three shifts feels most relevant or transformative for you at this moment, and why?
How might you carry these practices forward into your relationships, work, or community engagements?
Liminal literacy is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing practice of learning, unlearning, and relearning. These shifts—from control to curiosity, resistance to resource-building, and timeline to timeless—are invitations to grow through life’s thresholds. By embracing them, you support your own transformation and create ripples of resilience, connection, and possibility in your relationships and communities.
May these insights and practices guide you as you navigate the in-between spaces, reminding you that even in uncertainty, profound wisdom and potential are waiting to emerge.
Want to learn more?
Take the self-paced exploration on DANCING WITH UNCERTAINTY: Building Capacity for Liminal Spaces ande deepen your understanding and awareness around liminality.
Download the free exercises on Cultivating Liminal Literacy.