Three years ago while participating in a healing circle, these words came out from the field on how to reconnect to our self-fullness. It holds true even up until now.
To this person
To this child
To this essence
That got disconnected
That got detached
That got muddled
In the hustle of life
In the voices of others
In the expectations carried
That kept you weighed down
Come back to you
To this presence
To this consciousness
To this strength
That got trampled
That got lost
That got wounded
In the polarities around you
In the disillusionment
In the busyness
In the following of paths
That was never yours
Come back to you
To this familiarity
To this abundance
To this trust
That got separated
That faded in anxiety
That wallowed you in fear
In spaces that failed you
In people that hurt you
In situations that drained you
That kept you small
Come back to you
Come back to you
Come back to the joy
That is within you
Come back to the curiosity
That lights you up
Come back to your intuition
That helps you sense the world
Come back to your self-fullness
In a world that ebbs and flows
You are your sanctuary
Come back to you.
Lana Jelenjev
Nov 24 2021